Black in Geoscience Week

The first annual Black in Geoscience Week

A group of Black geoscientists put together this week to provide people with the opportunity to network and share their stories of what it's like to be Black in geoscience. More importantly, this will be used as a platform for everyone to learn and understand what is required for us as geoscientists to work towards an improved representation in our community. In December 2019, it was reported by Nature that geosciences have the lowest amount of diversity in STEM field subjects in the U.S. The organizers of Black in Geoscience Week hope that this event will lead the field to improve both in representation and diversity.
A range of activities has been put together, including everything from roll calls and brief bios to talks and panel discussions, allowing as many people as possible to engage through Twitter, Instagram, Zoom, and Youtube.
For those who want to get involved, most activity is happening via Twitter and Instagram pages, which you can follow using the hashtag #BlackinGeoscienceWeek. For those not on social media, but who want to get involved, information on live panels can be found here.