EEPS Fieldwork in Hawaii

Undergraduate Program

Study the earth beneath your feet, or worlds far away.

The Department of Earth, Environmental, and Planetary Sciences provides tools for understanding the processes that shape our planet and other solar system bodies. Because planets are complex systems, Earth, environmental, and planetary sciences is by necessity an interdisciplinary field. We apply biology, chemistry, physics, and math to investigate topics such as early life on Earth, the structure of the Earth’s deep interior, the nature of contaminant transport, and the evidence for water on Mars. If you’ve developed a passion for the basic sciences and are looking for a way to study these sciences outside traditional disciplinary boundaries, Earth, environmental, and planetary sciences is an ideal choice of major. Our majors offer a range of customization that allows students to focus on topics with the greatest relevance to their academic interests and career plans.

All students in the major have the opportunity, although are not required, to participate in faculty research programs. Many of our students take advantage of the varied research opportunities, providing them with valuable experience for future employment or graduate school.

Wash U Field Geology

Field Geology Course Highlights 2013-2020

Current and Projected Courses

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Beyond the Classroom

Research is strongly encouraged as part of the undergraduate experience. Many students in Earth, environmental, and planetary sciences take advantage of this valuable opportunity to participate in cutting-edge studies with faculty mentors. Field camps and study abroad programs allow students to take what they've learned into the field. Learn more about research, field camp, and study abroad opportunities available beyond the classroom.

Research    Study Abroad    Field Camp

Woman smiling

Why Earth, Environmental, and Planetary Sciences?

From environmental issues to planetary science, from field trips in the United States and abroad, Earth, Environmental, and Planetary Sciences offers a rigorous yet flexible educational experience. Featured students: Molly Chaney, Zoe Lefebvre, Amanda Stadermann, and Landis Powell.

Internships & Careers

Finding a career after you graduate from Washington University can seem like a daunting task. Fortunately, we have resources to help you.

Meet with on-campus career counselors. Discover where recent graduates were hired. Browse some of the internships our students have participated in. 

Explore Internship & Career Paths from EEPS

The professors in this department have a commitment to their students learning outside of class and development as thinkers. I have made meaningful connections many of my professors, but Dr. Mike Krawczynski in particular is one with whom I now feel comfortable simply walking into his office and asking about anything I've been pondering, and from those conversations I have learned more than I have from many classes.

―Ian HutchisonAB 2023

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