Undergraduate Student Awards

The Ernest L. Ohle, Jr. Prize is presented to the senior judged to have the greatest promise for a successful career in Earth, environmental, or planetary sciences and who has demonstrated superior academic achievement. The prize is funded by an endowed donation from Dr. Ernest L. Ohle, Jr., an alumnus who had a distinguished career as a mining geologist.

The Courtney Werner Memorial Prize is awarded to a senior student who has majored in Earth, environmental, and planetary sciences and who has demonstrated outstanding academic achievement. Courtney Werner was an associate professor in the Department of Geology and Geological Engineering at Washington University. He joined the Department in 1923, having worked as a geologist for Gulf Oil Company. The prize is funded by endowed donations from his friends and former students.

The Harold Levin Award is for undergraduate students who have done outstanding jobs as assistants to the instructor. Professor Levin was a paleontologist who specialized in study of microscopic fossils as indicators of environmental conditions during deposition of sedimentary rocks. He was an outstanding teacher at all levels, ensuring through dynamic lectures and discussions that students remained engaged in his courses.

The Margaret E. Bewig Memorial Field Camp Award is presented to an EEPS major selected by the faculty from those attending summer field camp, based on a combination of academic merit and financial need. The award may be used to defray part of the cost of summer field camp.  Margaret Bewig was the department secretary and later the administrative assistant from 1963 to 1986. She died on May 26, 1991. The award is funded by endowed donations from her friends, faculty, and former students.

Past Winners

Past Ohle Prize Winners 

2023   Emmett Ela
2022   Maria Schmeer
2021   Maia Cohen
2020   Josh Waddell
2019   Benjamin Tiger
2018   Savannah Rodriguez
2017   Addison Nakatani
2016   Zoe R. Lefebvre
2015   Nathan Stein
2014   Daniel L. Johnson
2013   Hannah H. Kaplan
2012   Rachel Folkerts
2011   Jason Boettgner
2010   Brittany Huhmann
2009   Matthew Ampleman
2008   Tabatha Heet
2007   Jessica Friedman
2006   Steven M. Chemtob
2005   Crystal Gammon
2004   Bethany Ehlmann
2002   Brian Yanites
2001   Paul Arthur Giesting 

Past Werner Prize Winners 

2023   Henry Chandler
2022   Flora Perlmutter
2021   Eleanor Moreland
2020   Miles Johnson
2019   Sydney Dybing
2018   Lauren Johnson
2017   Monte Cole
2016   Molly Margaret Chaney
2015   Jessica Rudnick
2014   N. Beth Hoagland
2013   Elizabeth J. Mitnick
2012   Hannah Rabinowitz
2011   Kirsten Siebach
2010   Franklin Koch
2008   Lonia Friedlander
2007   Elizabeth Herndon
2007   Jeffrey Marlow
2006   Ian J. Orland
2005   Lisa Molofsky
2004   Gillian Galford
2003   Elizabeth Ruth-Black
2002   Laura Schaefer
2001   Brian A. Ebel
2000   Paul A. Giesting
1997   Jenny Yoo
1995   Gillian K. Sharer
1995   Jennifer P. Thieme
1994   Thomas M. Bawden
1993   Amy Alaine Shanabrook
1992   Heidi Anne Betz
1990   Martin Stephan Appold
1990   David Barry Gorodetzky
1986   Paul Ted Doughty
1983   Mary Dale-Bannister
1983   Maureen Ann Muldoon
1982   Robert Louis Woodley
1981   Leslie Jean Sonder
1979   Susan Leslie Shutt
1978   Claudia Lack
1977   William Curtis Eggemeyer
1977   Janet Ann Shields
1976   Ruth Sarah Defries
1975   Stephen Robert Elkins
1973   Timothy Rex Hays
1973   Lloyd Greer Price
1971   Barry Mark Lesht
1971   Deborah Sue Snavely 

Past Levin Award Winners 

2023 Izzy Yanover

2022 Josie Alexander 
2021  Eleanor (Ellie) Moreland 
2020  Miles Johnson 
2019  Miles Johnson 
2017   Emily Weng 
2016   Alexandra Barrett 
2015   Zoe Lefebvre 
2015   Amanda Staderman 
2013   Diana Goeller  

Past Bewig Award Winners 

2019   Anna Baker
2019   John Worrall
2014   Daniel Johnson
2014   Christopher Thom
2011   Angela Goodiel
2011   Emma Reinemann
2010   Matthew Ampleman
2010   Katherine Grace Barcheck
2010   Suzanne Knittel
2010   Jessica Lodewyk
2009   Brittany Huhmann
2008   Gregory Finklestein
2008   Tabatha Heet
2008   Elizabeth Herndon
2008   Arther Jack Singletary
2005   Lisa Molofsky
2005   Miriam Waigand
2005   Lindsay Weber
2004   Gillian Galford
2004   Mary Schubert
2003   Holly Kreutzer
2002   Walter Kolczynski
2002   Elizabeth Ruth
2002   Deia Schlosberg
2002   Brian Yanites
2001   Alison Passer