EEPS Colloquium: Brendan Crowell
Assistant Professor Brendan Crowell, Ohio State University School of Earth Sciences
Over the past 30 years, the proliferation of high-rate (1 Hz or greater) Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) data and processing techniques has allowed for high precision (sub-cm) observations of deformation kinematics. Unlike inertial seismic instruments, which have issues capturing displacements during large ground motions, GNSS instruments capture the full dynamic range of displacement, from the static offsets to the Nyquist frequency since they are computed with respect to a non-inertial global reference frame. When used together, seismic and geodetic observations can capture the full fidelity of ground motions during natural hazards. In this talk, I will show how seismogeodetic observations are used throughout the continuum of hazard response activities, from the initial seconds with operational early warning systems for earthquakes and tsunamis, to a more complete view of deformation and damage in the days to weeks after an event. I will finish by describing how I envision converting global GNSS networks into broadband seismic networks and other potential avenues using signals of opportunity such as monitoring ionospheric disturbances from tsunamis and volcanic eruptions or looking. This new geodetic monitoring architecture, which will be fully cloud enabled, will be designed to reduce the barriers to entry for using geodetic data, improving computing equity and allowing broader inclusion with the geoscience community.
Host: Roger Michaelides
EEPS colloquia are made possible by the William C. Ferguson Fund