In St. Louis: 5 Years Later
Last fall, the Academy and Public Affairs partnered to launch The In St. Louis Project. The project is a snapshot, through a variety of lenses and a range of perspectives, of the impact that the events in Ferguson and the unrest that followed continue to have on the St. Louis region, and how people, communities, and institutions have responded to it.
This online session is designed as a facilitated group discussion of selected video interviews from the project. Discussion and reflection questions are designed to draw insights and connection between our day-to-day work and our role as a regional anchor institution. Participants will build skills in collaborative problem-solving for complex problems, build confidence navigating conversations about St. Louis and Washington University’s response to the events “post-Ferguson,” and explore skills that support an inclusive work environment.
After you are registered in Learn@Work, a Zoom invitation for the date/time selected.
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