Geospatial Seed Grants Call for Proposals

The Here and Next Seed Grant program and the Geospatial Research Initiative are pleased to announce the 2025 Geospatial Research Initiative Seed Grant program. This grant supports interdisciplinary teams collaborating on innovative geospatial research that has the potential for broad scientific or societal impact. Seed Grants are up to $20,000 for the period of performance. Smaller budgets are encouraged to increase the number of potential awards. The program expects to fund at least six awards.

Seed grants should address significant geospatial research problems and have a strong potential for future external funding. Seed grants can be used to gather pilot data, perform preliminary analyses, or produce analytical tools with a goal of successfully competing for future sponsored research opportunities. Priority will be given to projects with clearly defined outcomes and concrete plans for how they will be accomplished within the period of performance.

View the Call for Proposals here.

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