The areas of seismology research at Washington University span most of the Earth's interior. In general, Michael Wysession and his co-authors work on the deep mantle and whole Earth, while Doug Wiens and collaborators focus on the upper mantle and tectonics. One unique aspect of our group is the large number of temporary broadband seismometer deployments, which give us unique data sets that can answer very specific questions. A sampling of the range of research done by the group is listed below:
- The core-mantle boundary region and D''
- Deep earthquakes and aftershock sequences
- Plate boundary processes and seismotectonics
- Upper mantle anisotropy and structure
- Attenuation and propagation of seismic waves
- Subduction zone seismicity and dynamics
- Phase transformations within the mantle
- Plate bending and fault rupture processes
- Evolution of the North American craton
- Whole earth mantle flow
- Oceanic intraplate earthquakes
- Crustal and upper mantle struture using receiver functions
- Genetic algorithm tool for solving seismological problems
- Animations of seismic shear wave propagation