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EEPS Colloquium: Katherine de Kleer

Jupiter’s volcanic moon Io: Tidal heating, mass loss, and chemical evolution
Rudolph Hall | Room 301

EEPS Colloquium: Brendan Crowell

Seismogeodesy and GNSS Signals of Opportunity for Hazard Response
Rudolph Hall | Room 301

Undergraduate Student Special Event: Distinguished Alumna Ruth DeFries

Musings on a Path to a Healthy Planet and Healthy People
Rudolph Hall | Room 301

EEPS Colloquium: Annie Bauer

Assistant Professor Annie Bauer, University of Wisconsin-Madison Geoscience
Rudolph Hall | Room 301

EEPS Colloquium: Will Struble

Landslides and Landscapes: Decoding surface processes to reveal tectonics, climate, and hazards
Rudolph Hall | Room 301

EEPS Colloquium: Catherine Johnson

Rudolph Hall | Room 301

2025 McDonnell Distinguished Lectures: Colloquium with Priyamvada Natarajan on the Formation of the First Black Holes

Priyamvada Natarajan, Professor of Astronomy and Physics at Yale University, will present the 2025 McDonnell Distinguished Lectures, Colloquium, "New Insights into the Formation of the First Black Holes"
Wilson 214 | Refreshments in Wilson Hall, 3:15pm

EEPS Undergraduate Symposium

Undergraduate Thesis Presentations and Poster Session
Rudolph Hall Room 301

Scott Rudolph Professor Bradley L. Jolliff Retirement Lecture

Scott Rudolph Professor of Earth, Environmental, and Planetary Sciences and Director of the McDonnell Center for the Space Sciences Bradley L. Jolliff will give a retirement lecture which will be followed by a reception hosted in the Clark-Fox Forum
Clark-Fox Forum | Hillman Hall