view of eclipse from space


Back Results for: Faculty
Earth’s rocks hold whiffs of air from billions of years ago

Earth’s rocks hold whiffs of air from billions of years ago

EEPS Research Roundup February 2025

EEPS Research Roundup February 2025

New complexity emerges in Earth’s ‘boring’ middle region

New complexity emerges in Earth’s ‘boring’ middle region

Exploring Venus may require exotic tech like balloons and 'aerobots'

Exploring Venus may require exotic tech like balloons and 'aerobots'

Bridges to the Moon

Bridges to the Moon

Perseverance Rover hunts rare earth elements on Mars

Perseverance Rover hunts rare earth elements on Mars

Fire & Ice

Fire & Ice

Solar System: volcano worlds

Solar System: volcano worlds

EEPS Research Roundup: 2023 - 2024

EEPS Research Roundup: 2023 - 2024

Europa Clipper launch was 'mind-bogglingly intense' says Wash U Professor

Europa Clipper launch was 'mind-bogglingly intense' says Wash U Professor

NASA’s Europa Clipper prepares for launch

NASA’s Europa Clipper prepares for launch

Field Notes: South Pacific

Field Notes: South Pacific

Shooting for the Moon

Shooting for the Moon

WRANGL3R: Rover-mounted drill sensor for water resource survey on the Moon

WRANGL3R: Rover-mounted drill sensor for water resource survey on the Moon

Best minds in space exploration converge on St. Louis as Washington University helps fuel Artemis 3 moon mission

Best minds in space exploration converge on St. Louis as Washington University helps fuel Artemis 3 moon mission

University City family recalls losing almost everything in historic flooding, 2 years later

University City family recalls losing almost everything in historic flooding, 2 years later

From Apollo to Artemis: unlocking the Moon's secrets

From Apollo to Artemis: unlocking the Moon's secrets

Active volcanoes may be common on Venus

Active volcanoes may be common on Venus

Exploring unseen forces shaping the universe

Exploring unseen forces shaping the universe

Moon ‘swirls’ could be magnetized by unseen magmas

Moon ‘swirls’ could be magnetized by unseen magmas

Surprising phosphate finding in asteroid sample

Surprising phosphate finding in asteroid sample

China Makes History with First-Ever Samples from the Moon’s Far Side

China Makes History with First-Ever Samples from the Moon’s Far Side

Scorching temperatures persist as heat wave expands, with record-breaking temperatures expected across U.S.

Scorching temperatures persist as heat wave expands, with record-breaking temperatures expected across U.S.

Venus UnXplained

Venus UnXplained

Earth’s ‘Gateway to Hell’ is growing

Earth’s ‘Gateway to Hell’ is growing

What does a meteorite taste like? Someone found out and bottled it.

What does a meteorite taste like? Someone found out and bottled it.

Venus Might Still Have Active Volcanoes, as Recent Lava Flows Suggest ‘Ongoing’ Eruptions

Venus Might Still Have Active Volcanoes, as Recent Lava Flows Suggest ‘Ongoing’ Eruptions

China's Chang'e-6 launches successfully — what happens next?

China's Chang'e-6 launches successfully — what happens next?

Mars may have been more Earth-like than we thought, discovery of oxygen-rich rocks reveals

Mars may have been more Earth-like than we thought, discovery of oxygen-rich rocks reveals

Saturn’s moon Mimas may be hiding a vast global ocean under its ice

Saturn’s moon Mimas may be hiding a vast global ocean under its ice

TGI-funded Project Uses Geospatial Tech to Study Permafrost, Plants, and Wildfire

TGI-funded Project Uses Geospatial Tech to Study Permafrost, Plants, and Wildfire

WashU to manage data for instrument on Artemis moon mission

WashU to manage data for instrument on Artemis moon mission

Finding the Story in the Stones

Finding the Story in the Stones

‘Light waves’ danced just before eclipse in Missouri. Scientists had waited years for them.

‘Light waves’ danced just before eclipse in Missouri. Scientists had waited years for them.

An Ice Body the Size of France Is Mysteriously Shifting Every Day. No One Knows Why.

An Ice Body the Size of France Is Mysteriously Shifting Every Day. No One Knows Why.

Solar eclipse plunges Illinois and Missouri into darkness as the celestial spectacle dazzles

Solar eclipse plunges Illinois and Missouri into darkness as the celestial spectacle dazzles

What will St. Louis see during Monday’s solar eclipse?

What will St. Louis see during Monday’s solar eclipse?

WashU Expert: Tremor a reminder that East Coast, Midwest earthquake threat is real

WashU Expert: Tremor a reminder that East Coast, Midwest earthquake threat is real

Does Jupiter’s moon Europa have a habitable ocean, or not?

Does Jupiter’s moon Europa have a habitable ocean, or not?

Masteller wins NSF CAREER award

Masteller wins NSF CAREER award

Largest ice shelf in Antarctica lurches forward once or twice each day

Largest ice shelf in Antarctica lurches forward once or twice each day

Pacific rock samples offer a glimpse of an active Earth 2.5 billion years ago

Pacific rock samples offer a glimpse of an active Earth 2.5 billion years ago

Roger Michaelides wins NASA fellowship for early-career researchers

Roger Michaelides wins NASA fellowship for early-career researchers

Parai and Byrne granted tenure

Parai and Byrne granted tenure

Paper selected for the MAS Macres Award

Paper selected for the MAS Macres Award

The ties that bind

The ties that bind

Paul Byrne elected to the 2024 class of The Explorer's Club

Paul Byrne elected to the 2024 class of The Explorer's Club

A year in the life of a Pathfinder Fellow

A year in the life of a Pathfinder Fellow

2023 was the second-warmest year on record in St. Louis. Here’s what that means

2023 was the second-warmest year on record in St. Louis. Here’s what that means

Should we send humans to Venus?

Should we send humans to Venus?

Asteroid Bennu samples have arrived on campus for analysis

Asteroid Bennu samples have arrived on campus for analysis

Could 2023 be the hottest year on record? The outlook for climate tipping points and catastrophes

Could 2023 be the hottest year on record? The outlook for climate tipping points and catastrophes

Growers say droughts damaged real Christmas trees

Growers say droughts damaged real Christmas trees

Separating out signals recorded at the seafloor

Separating out signals recorded at the seafloor

Can a private space mission pierce Venus's clouds?

Can a private space mission pierce Venus's clouds?

Bradley Jolliff: “We’ll develop the surface science plan for the Artemis III mission“

Bradley Jolliff: “We’ll develop the surface science plan for the Artemis III mission“

New global topographic map unveils unique distortions on Enceladus

New global topographic map unveils unique distortions on Enceladus

Samples from asteroid Bennu contain the key ingredients of life

Samples from asteroid Bennu contain the key ingredients of life

Research News: Atmospheric circulation weakens following volcanic eruptions

Research News: Atmospheric circulation weakens following volcanic eruptions

The story of Earth's atmosphere

The story of Earth's atmosphere

in:SPACE Influencer Paul Byrne

in:SPACE Influencer Paul Byrne

Is it possible to turn Venus from boiling hellscape to liveable world?

Is it possible to turn Venus from boiling hellscape to liveable world?

Introducing the Department of Earth, Environmental, and Planetary Sciences

Introducing the Department of Earth, Environmental, and Planetary Sciences

Flashes in Venus’ atmosphere might be meteors, not lightning

Flashes in Venus’ atmosphere might be meteors, not lightning

In 15 Years, We Might Put Messi On The Moon — But Should We?

In 15 Years, We Might Put Messi On The Moon — But Should We?

Pacific Puzzles: How El Niño and La Niña Are Changing Their Dance

Pacific Puzzles: How El Niño and La Niña Are Changing Their Dance

Environmental Science: It’s a Summer of Record-Breaking Heat With More Dangerously Hot Summers Ahead From Global Warming

Environmental Science: It’s a Summer of Record-Breaking Heat With More Dangerously Hot Summers Ahead From Global Warming

New Center for the Environment begins work

New Center for the Environment begins work

Perspectives: Remembering the Great Flood of 1993

Perspectives: Remembering the Great Flood of 1993

Professor Ray Arvidson granted Earth Science in United States Leader Award

Professor Ray Arvidson granted Earth Science in United States Leader Award

Ogliore and Wang selected as members of the Mars Sample Return Measurement Definition Team

Ogliore and Wang selected as members of the Mars Sample Return Measurement Definition Team

NASA partnership is 'a jewel in WashU's crown'

NASA partnership is 'a jewel in WashU's crown'

Jolliff selected for geology team for lunar landing mission

Jolliff selected for geology team for lunar landing mission

Study: Atmospheric circulation weakens following volcanic eruptions

Study: Atmospheric circulation weakens following volcanic eruptions

Meet our new faculty: Natural sciences and mathematics

Meet our new faculty: Natural sciences and mathematics

The Source: McKinnon wins 2023 Kuiper Prize

The Source: McKinnon wins 2023 Kuiper Prize

4 factors driving 2023’s extreme heat and climate disasters

4 factors driving 2023’s extreme heat and climate disasters

Podcast: Dead Planets Society interviews Professor Paul Byrne

Podcast: Dead Planets Society interviews Professor Paul Byrne

The River Des Peres is still clogged. No one wants to clean it. And floods will come again.

The River Des Peres is still clogged. No one wants to clean it. And floods will come again.

Arvidson wins fourth public service award from NASA

Arvidson wins fourth public service award from NASA

Radar can help fight wildfires, identify flash-flood risks

Radar can help fight wildfires, identify flash-flood risks

Is Earth the only planet with lightning?

Is Earth the only planet with lightning?

Flooding and Erosion from Climate Change, Shifting Rivers and Changing Landscapes

Flooding and Erosion from Climate Change, Shifting Rivers and Changing Landscapes

Goodenough, McKinnon elected to National Academy of Sciences

Goodenough, McKinnon elected to National Academy of Sciences

Squeezing rocks for science

Squeezing rocks for science

Professor William B. McKinnon elected to the National Academy of Sciences

Professor William B. McKinnon elected to the National Academy of Sciences

Jolliff shares next steps in returning people to the Moon

Jolliff shares next steps in returning people to the Moon

Volcanoes on Venus … Wow! New map here

Volcanoes on Venus … Wow! New map here

Penczykowski, Medley share seed grant to precisely measure St. Louis climate

Penczykowski, Medley share seed grant to precisely measure St. Louis climate

NASA’s Uranus Mission Is Running Out of Time

NASA’s Uranus Mission Is Running Out of Time

Scientists share ‘comprehensive’ map of volcanoes on Venus — all 85,000 of them

Scientists share ‘comprehensive’ map of volcanoes on Venus — all 85,000 of them

Michaelides wins seed grant to study interplay of permafrost, vegetation, and wildfire

Michaelides wins seed grant to study interplay of permafrost, vegetation, and wildfire

 Floods are getting more severe and frequent around St. Louis. Here's why.

Floods are getting more severe and frequent around St. Louis. Here's why.

Scientists Spot Recent Volcanic Activity on Venus

Scientists Spot Recent Volcanic Activity on Venus

Venus is volcanically alive, stunning new find shows

Venus is volcanically alive, stunning new find shows

Midwest Climate Summit allows student volunteers to learn from climate leaders

Midwest Climate Summit allows student volunteers to learn from climate leaders

Spring Weather Outlook: The connection between billion-dollar storms and global warming

Spring Weather Outlook: The connection between billion-dollar storms and global warming

Celebrating 170 years: an Apollo 17 connection

Celebrating 170 years: an Apollo 17 connection

Study quantifies global impact of electricity in dust storms on Mars

Study quantifies global impact of electricity in dust storms on Mars

Does This Mineral Indicate Oxygen on Mars?

Does This Mineral Indicate Oxygen on Mars?

WashU Expert: 2023 will be the year of the battery

WashU Expert: 2023 will be the year of the battery

The solar system's strangest objects are unlocking its history

The solar system's strangest objects are unlocking its history

Stromboli and Mount Semeru Erupt on Same Day, a Week After Mauna Loa

Stromboli and Mount Semeru Erupt on Same Day, a Week After Mauna Loa

Artemis launch returns U.S. to the moon - Jolliff interview on PRI/The World

Artemis launch returns U.S. to the moon - Jolliff interview on PRI/The World

At the confluence of climate change and environmental justice

At the confluence of climate change and environmental justice

McDonnell Center for the Space Sciences - Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow

McDonnell Center for the Space Sciences - Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow

Mars Investigator Celebrates His 50-Year Career Exploring Mars

Mars Investigator Celebrates His 50-Year Career Exploring Mars

Mississippi River levels are dropping too low for barges to float

Mississippi River levels are dropping too low for barges to float

Venus balloon prototype aces test flights

Venus balloon prototype aces test flights

Fike installed as the Glassberg/Greensfelder Distinguished University Professor

Fike installed as the Glassberg/Greensfelder Distinguished University Professor

Studying how climate change shapes floods and river landscapes

Studying how climate change shapes floods and river landscapes

Cosmochemist Wang to study samples from asteroid Bennu

Cosmochemist Wang to study samples from asteroid Bennu

Revisiting predictions made at start of Biden’s term on his “9-point plan” on clean energy, climate

Revisiting predictions made at start of Biden’s term on his “9-point plan” on clean energy, climate

Washington University in St. Louis Celebrates Raymond E. Arvidson’s 50 Years of Mars Exploration

Washington University in St. Louis Celebrates Raymond E. Arvidson’s 50 Years of Mars Exploration

Exploring Mars, 50 years and counting

Exploring Mars, 50 years and counting

WashU Expert: Artemis launch brings us closer to space exploration goals

WashU Expert: Artemis launch brings us closer to space exploration goals

Science research roundup: July and August 2022

Science research roundup: July and August 2022

NASA Has Plans to Probe Uranus

NASA Has Plans to Probe Uranus

Earth’s Lower Mantle Is Drier Than Previously Thought

Earth’s Lower Mantle Is Drier Than Previously Thought

How balloons could one day detect quakes on Venus

How balloons could one day detect quakes on Venus

Torrential rainfall will change our rivers. A Washington U scientist is studying how.

Torrential rainfall will change our rivers. A Washington U scientist is studying how.

Historic rainfall in St. Louis raises questions about flooding and climate change

Historic rainfall in St. Louis raises questions about flooding and climate change

How the huge storm formed in the St. Louis area and why future rainfall will test us

How the huge storm formed in the St. Louis area and why future rainfall will test us

Messenger: For the next flood, University City could have a unique warning system

Messenger: For the next flood, University City could have a unique warning system

Changing climate, shifting rivers

Changing climate, shifting rivers

NASA releases Webb telescope photos, deepest space photos in history

NASA releases Webb telescope photos, deepest space photos in history

Geoscientists to study structure and properties of Antarctic lithosphere

Geoscientists to study structure and properties of Antarctic lithosphere

Distance learning: Planetary scientist Paul Byrne explains why you should be impressed by the James Webb Space Telescope

Distance learning: Planetary scientist Paul Byrne explains why you should be impressed by the James Webb Space Telescope

Shooting for the Moon! A Lifetime of Lunar Research and the Next Step with Artemis Missions

Shooting for the Moon! A Lifetime of Lunar Research and the Next Step with Artemis Missions

WashU researchers help identify national priorities for planetary science

WashU researchers help identify national priorities for planetary science

NASA has been ignoring Uranus. That may soon change.

NASA has been ignoring Uranus. That may soon change.

Exploring Mars, shaping trajectories

Exploring Mars, shaping trajectories

NASA waited 50 years to unseal these precious moon rocks

NASA waited 50 years to unseal these precious moon rocks

NASA studies ‘new’ 50-year-old lunar sample to prep for return to Moon

NASA studies ‘new’ 50-year-old lunar sample to prep for return to Moon

Konecky launches new program to support diversity in the geosciences

Konecky launches new program to support diversity in the geosciences

Arts & Sciences faculty win NSF CAREER Awards

Arts & Sciences faculty win NSF CAREER Awards

Krawczynski promoted to associate professor

Krawczynski promoted to associate professor

WashU scientists help recover gases from Moon rock time capsule

WashU scientists help recover gases from Moon rock time capsule

Seismic study reveals key reason why Patagonia is rising as glaciers melt

Seismic study reveals key reason why Patagonia is rising as glaciers melt

Science research roundup: February 2022

Science research roundup: February 2022

Parai wins CAREER grant to study geochemistry of the deep Earth

Parai wins CAREER grant to study geochemistry of the deep Earth

Slow and not so steady: Glaciers, ice sheets, and sea level rise (video)

Slow and not so steady: Glaciers, ice sheets, and sea level rise (video)

Quirks and Quarks: Is the moon driving the movement of the Earth's tectonic plates?

Quirks and Quarks: Is the moon driving the movement of the Earth's tectonic plates?

SYFY: The Sun and Moon could be unleashing earthquakes and volcanoes

SYFY: The Sun and Moon could be unleashing earthquakes and volcanoes

Arvidson receives award from St. Louis Astronomical Society

Arvidson receives award from St. Louis Astronomical Society

BBC News: Paul Byrne on launch of James Webb Space Telescope (video)

BBC News: Paul Byrne on launch of James Webb Space Telescope (video)

Tug of sun, moon could be driving plate motions on ‘imbalanced’ Earth

Tug of sun, moon could be driving plate motions on ‘imbalanced’ Earth

Master Minds: Mission to Mars, Venus and the Moon

Master Minds: Mission to Mars, Venus and the Moon

Volatile bodies: Isotopic fingerprints reveal how planets gain and lose elements

Volatile bodies: Isotopic fingerprints reveal how planets gain and lose elements

Science research roundup: November and December 2021

Science research roundup: November and December 2021

A river runs through it

A river runs through it Strange 'eggshell' exoplanets may have ultra-smooth surfaces Strange 'eggshell' exoplanets may have ultra-smooth surfaces

Digital Transformation Initiative brings new talent to Arts & Sciences

Digital Transformation Initiative brings new talent to Arts & Sciences

KSDK: Why midwest earthquakes can be felt miles away from epicenter

KSDK: Why midwest earthquakes can be felt miles away from epicenter

Tread lightly: ‘Eggshell planets’ possible around other stars

Tread lightly: ‘Eggshell planets’ possible around other stars Moon rocks brought to Earth by Chinese mission fill key gaps in solar system history Moon rocks brought to Earth by Chinese mission fill key gaps in solar system history

Chang’e-5 samples reveal key age of moon rocks

Chang’e-5 samples reveal key age of moon rocks

PBS: Bob Criss discusses urban flooding on Donnybrook Next Up

PBS: Bob Criss discusses urban flooding on Donnybrook Next Up

National Geographic: Hellish Venus poses many mysteries. New spacecraft aim to solve them.

National Geographic: Hellish Venus poses many mysteries. New spacecraft aim to solve them.

Forbes: Martian blues: Did planet's size affect its ability to hold onto water?

Forbes: Martian blues: Did planet's size affect its ability to hold onto water?

Time: Mars was always destined to die

Time: Mars was always destined to die

Welcome to WashU: Paul Byrne

Welcome to WashU: Paul Byrne

Eos: Telling the stories behind the science

Eos: Telling the stories behind the science

Catalano awarded $2.25 million for investigation of critical elements

Catalano awarded $2.25 million for investigation of critical elements

Meet our new faculty: Natural sciences and math

Meet our new faculty: Natural sciences and math

Science research roundup: August 2021

Science research roundup: August 2021

St. Louis Post-Dispatch: St. Louis area flood expert shifts focus to urban flash floods

St. Louis Post-Dispatch: St. Louis area flood expert shifts focus to urban flash floods

Experimental geochemist Krawczynski to examine role of water in volcanoes, Earth’s evolution

Experimental geochemist Krawczynski to examine role of water in volcanoes, Earth’s evolution

Muddied waters: Sinking organics alter seafloor records

Muddied waters: Sinking organics alter seafloor records

Award-winning "Sacred Sediments" video features Bronwen Konecky

Award-winning "Sacred Sediments" video features Bronwen Konecky

Analysis of pristine samples of the Moon

Analysis of pristine samples of the Moon

The exit interview: Dean Jennifer R. Smith

The exit interview: Dean Jennifer R. Smith

Skemer promoted to full professor

Skemer promoted to full professor

Highlands hunt for climate answers

Highlands hunt for climate answers

Pasteris retires after 41 years

Pasteris retires after 41 years

When using pyrite to understand Earth’s ocean and atmosphere: Think local, not global

When using pyrite to understand Earth’s ocean and atmosphere: Think local, not global

Wang receives grant to study volatiles in early solar system

Wang receives grant to study volatiles in early solar system

Rita Parai investigates the origins of volatiles on planetary bodies

Rita Parai investigates the origins of volatiles on planetary bodies

Fourteen faculty searches approved for digital transformation initiative

Fourteen faculty searches approved for digital transformation initiative

WashU Expert: Biden energy plan is aggressive, but much can be done

WashU Expert: Biden energy plan is aggressive, but much can be done

Wysession wins Geosciences in the Media Award

Wysession wins Geosciences in the Media Award

WashU Expert: China probe returns with ‘treasure trove’ of moon rocks

WashU Expert: China probe returns with ‘treasure trove’ of moon rocks

Powerful electrical events quickly alter surface chemistry on Mars and other planetary bodies

Powerful electrical events quickly alter surface chemistry on Mars and other planetary bodies

McKinnon honored by American Geophysical Union

McKinnon honored by American Geophysical Union

Catalano named mineralogical society fellow

Catalano named mineralogical society fellow

Slate: The U.S. fight against climate change has to start at its center: The Midwest

Slate: The U.S. fight against climate change has to start at its center: The Midwest

A conversation with two award-winning space scientists

A conversation with two award-winning space scientists

PAD choreographs a unique semester

PAD choreographs a unique semester

Viking TV: Exploring Mars with Ray Arvidson

Viking TV: Exploring Mars with Ray Arvidson

Hofmeister wins AWG Professional Excellence Award

Hofmeister wins AWG Professional Excellence Award

Lodders wins 2021 Leonard Medal

Lodders wins 2021 Leonard Medal

Jolliff awarded Shoemaker Distinguished Scientist Medal

Jolliff awarded Shoemaker Distinguished Scientist Medal

'We are all Martians!': Space explorers seek to solve the riddle of life on Mars

'We are all Martians!': Space explorers seek to solve the riddle of life on Mars

Countdown to Mars: three daring missions take aim at the red planet

Countdown to Mars: three daring missions take aim at the red planet

NASA’s new rover will collect martian rocks—and clues to planet’s ancient climate

NASA’s new rover will collect martian rocks—and clues to planet’s ancient climate

Electrically charged dust storms drive Martian chlorine cycle

Electrically charged dust storms drive Martian chlorine cycle

Sharing stories for the next 100 years

Sharing stories for the next 100 years

New Horizons may have solved planet formation cold case

New Horizons may have solved planet formation cold case

Wang wins 2020 Houtermans Award

Wang wins 2020 Houtermans Award

Welcome to WashU: Claire Masteller

Welcome to WashU: Claire Masteller

Arrokoth close-up reveals how planetary building blocks were constructed

Arrokoth close-up reveals how planetary building blocks were constructed

Scientists Slam Congress's New Plan for NASA

Scientists Slam Congress's New Plan for NASA

Why is the red planet red?

Why is the red planet red?

Proposed Interstellar Mission Reaches for the Stars, One Generation at a Time

Proposed Interstellar Mission Reaches for the Stars, One Generation at a Time

Almost forgotten anniversaries in 2019

Almost forgotten anniversaries in 2019

Climate scientist Konecky named Packard Fellow

Climate scientist Konecky named Packard Fellow

Konecky receives American Geophysical Union’s Nanne Weber Early Career Award

Konecky receives American Geophysical Union’s Nanne Weber Early Career Award

Astrid Holzheid joins Washington University as Clark Way Harrison Visiting Professor

Astrid Holzheid joins Washington University as Clark Way Harrison Visiting Professor

Tektites don’t come from the Moon, but they might help scientists understand how it formed

Tektites don’t come from the Moon, but they might help scientists understand how it formed

Heat wave across central US prompts health warnings

Heat wave across central US prompts health warnings

WashU Expert: On Apollo legacy, and why we should return to the moon

WashU Expert: On Apollo legacy, and why we should return to the moon

Untouched Apollo samples to be analyzed for the first time by WashU researchers

Untouched Apollo samples to be analyzed for the first time by WashU researchers

Brad Jolliff describes the scientific legacy of the Apollo program

Brad Jolliff describes the scientific legacy of the Apollo program

Bob Criss weighs in on midwest flooding

Bob Criss weighs in on midwest flooding

Rita Parai awarded grant from US Department of Energy

Rita Parai awarded grant from US Department of Energy

Virtual reality comes to the classroom

Virtual reality comes to the classroom

Ultima Thule: A closer look at the most distant object ever explored

Ultima Thule: A closer look at the most distant object ever explored

How Ultima Thule Is Like a Sticky, Pull-Apart Pastry

How Ultima Thule Is Like a Sticky, Pull-Apart Pastry

New Horizons: Ultima Thule 'a time machine' to early Solar System

New Horizons: Ultima Thule 'a time machine' to early Solar System

NASA's Mars Exploration Rover team receives Aviation Week Laureates Award

NASA's Mars Exploration Rover team receives Aviation Week Laureates Award

NASA’s Mars Rover Opportunity Concludes a 15-Year Mission

NASA’s Mars Rover Opportunity Concludes a 15-Year Mission

Understanding tropical rainfall, both past and present

Understanding tropical rainfall, both past and present

Arvidson discusses Mars Opportunity rover’s 15-year anniversary

Arvidson discusses Mars Opportunity rover’s 15-year anniversary

Opportunity, Curiosity and Mars 2020 Rover Updates

Opportunity, Curiosity and Mars 2020 Rover Updates

Fossett Laboratory for Virtual Planetary Exploration launches new augmented reality app

Fossett Laboratory for Virtual Planetary Exploration launches new augmented reality app

Professor Jeff Catalano New Chief Executive Editor of Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta

Professor Jeff Catalano New Chief Executive Editor of Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta

Next Stop Mars - Debate About the New NASA Mars Rover

Next Stop Mars - Debate About the New NASA Mars Rover

Seismic study reveals huge amount of water dragged into Earth’s interior

Seismic study reveals huge amount of water dragged into Earth’s interior

Professor Arvidson: Mars Opportunity Rover in the Dust Storm

Professor Arvidson: Mars Opportunity Rover in the Dust Storm

Professor Jeff Catalano: Heavy Metals in the Wetlands

Professor Jeff Catalano: Heavy Metals in the Wetlands

Professor Bob Criss On Our Rivers

Professor Bob Criss On Our Rivers

On the Radio: Professor Alian Wang: Mars Research in Harsh Places on Earth

On the Radio: Professor Alian Wang: Mars Research in Harsh Places on Earth

Mantle xenon has a story to tell

Mantle xenon has a story to tell

Professor Ray Arvidson: Organic Compounds on Mars

Professor Ray Arvidson: Organic Compounds on Mars

Dr. Helene Couvy receives Outstanding Staff Award, given out by the Graduate Student Senate.

Dr. Helene Couvy receives Outstanding Staff Award, given out by the Graduate Student Senate.

In the News: Arvidson about Mars Rover Mission

In the News: Arvidson about Mars Rover Mission

In the News: Criss about the Mississippi River

In the News: Criss about the Mississippi River

Arvidson to receive Weidenbaum Center Award for Excellence

Arvidson to receive Weidenbaum Center Award for Excellence

Small Distant World with Ring

Small Distant World with Ring

Professor Bob Criss receives Lewis C. Green Environmental Service Award

Professor Bob Criss receives Lewis C. Green Environmental Service Award

Special Delivery for Noble Gas Research

Special Delivery for Noble Gas Research

The struggle to control the Mississippi River can help us understand the U.S.

The struggle to control the Mississippi River can help us understand the U.S.

The Mars Exploration Rovers Update: Opportunity Logs 5000th Day, Snaps Selfie, and Roves On

The Mars Exploration Rovers Update: Opportunity Logs 5000th Day, Snaps Selfie, and Roves On

Arvidson to receive Weidenbaum Center Award for Excellence

Arvidson to receive Weidenbaum Center Award for Excellence

Distant dwarf planet near Pluto has a ring that no one expected

Distant dwarf planet near Pluto has a ring that no one expected

Professor Bob Criss receives Lewis C. Green Environmental Service Award

Professor Bob Criss receives Lewis C. Green Environmental Service Award

Special Delivery for Noble Gas Research

Special Delivery for Noble Gas Research

Professor Bronwen Konecky Member of Climate Change Panel

Professor Bronwen Konecky Member of Climate Change Panel

The Other Total Eclipse -  Far in the Kuiper Belt

The Other Total Eclipse - Far in the Kuiper Belt

Curiosity, Opportunity Mars Rovers: Sol Sisters for Science

Curiosity, Opportunity Mars Rovers: Sol Sisters for Science

A Spillway on Mars?

A Spillway on Mars?

Death by volcano

Death by volcano

Professor Wiens Named Robert S. Brookings Distinguished Professor

Professor Wiens Named Robert S. Brookings Distinguished Professor

See our Virtual Geology Lab

See our Virtual Geology Lab

Seismic Sleuthing

Seismic Sleuthing

MoonRise mission to the Moon

MoonRise mission to the Moon

Sending Humans to Mars

Sending Humans to Mars

Pathfinder Program in Environmental Sustainability

Pathfinder Program in Environmental Sustainability

Life on Pluto?

Life on Pluto?

Professor McKinnon on YouTube with Pluto

Professor McKinnon on YouTube with Pluto

Reaching the Final Frontier: NASA’s New Horizons Mission to Pluto…and Beyond!

Reaching the Final Frontier: NASA’s New Horizons Mission to Pluto…and Beyond!

A terrible rift

A terrible rift

Moon condensed from Earth's mantle

Moon condensed from Earth's mantle

Steaming a planet

Steaming a planet

Mapping sinkholes

Mapping sinkholes

Professor Wysession receives Press Award of the Seismological Society of America

Professor Wysession receives Press Award of the Seismological Society of America

Mongibello Mons

Mongibello Mons

Rites & Wrongs

Rites & Wrongs

How to Create a Neuroscience Pipeline

How to Create a Neuroscience Pipeline

Don't Panic Geocast - Learn about the Moon

Don't Panic Geocast - Learn about the Moon

Record Missouri flooding was manmade calamity

Record Missouri flooding was manmade calamity

Read more news from WashU

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